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Institute of Molecular Cancer Research Penengo Lab

Samuele Fisicaro

Samuele Fisicaro

  • PhD Student


Born and raised in Italy, I studied Biotechnology (BSc) and Molecular and Medical Biotechnology (MSc) at the University of Verona. During my final year of Master’s studies, I had the opportunity to intern in the lab of Olle Sangfelt at Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm. After graduating, I extended my stay as a research assistant in the same lab for one year. My primary project involved characterizing the mechanistic aspects of the FBXL12-FANCD2 signaling axis under conditions of replication stress. Afterwards, I joined the lab of Óscar Fernández-Capetillo at Karolinska Institutet for eight months as a research assistant. In this role, I focused on identifying novel strategies to target senescent cells in the context of cancer therapy. My background and interest in the ubiquitin field led me to the Penengo group at the IMCR, where I started my PhD in August 2024. Here, I will delve into the signaling mechanisms associated with phospho-ubiquitin.